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(2012.Apr.08 10:09 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]How do you tell how many eggs you got?

You have found a platinum Easter egg that has given a you a 0.09 reputation bonus!
There has to be something wrong with high level or I am just really bad luck.

I have been criming for 12hrs non-stop. I only gotten maybe 2 eggs.
found a blue one.
I've found 5 eggs. 2 were junk. 1 gave extra hour career and 2 have'nt hatched. 1 of them blue and one was red. any idea what they are let me know. thanks
I got a rock
You have found an Easter egg some chump already got to. It is still worth $74 to collectors though!
(2012.Apr.08 04:05 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]I got a rock

smoke it for your bonus bro
(2012.Apr.08 04:05 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]I got a rock

family guy peanuts joke FTW
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