Haha one of the most obvious ones, and we forgot.
*Eating pickle* 8)
we should get a new job that pays in pickles.
Hell yeah, I'd get fired though for stealing pickles.

Oh yea jobs i always wanted to know if CASANOVA is inactive how is he still the wealthiest person in AL?
Donate a ton, keep a few mils in your bank account and let the daily interest do the rest for you.
11 ways to make money, I think that's more then enough, no?
pimpsta101 Wrote:Oh yea jobs i always wanted to know if CASANOVA is inactive how is he still the wealthiest person in AL?
He may have a good amount of cash in his bank account, and with the interest it'll keep growing. Thats the only way i can think of.
oh yea i forgot about the interest what is it i thought it was every year
it's just a little bit every day I believe.
mudpies Wrote:it's just a little bit every day I believe.
From what ive heard, thats true. I think the interest is payed 12am server time every day.