Zen this would be a great idea for plp to buy credits on a certain day agreed in which you would get double for your money spent .
i.e. Buy the $20 donator pack and get 4600 credits instead of 2300.?
It would be an answer to plps complaints just now about endurance and intel being so hard to move due to not getting enough gains in their job or just way too expensive to buy.
Plus i think allot of extra plp would buy on that day, so more income would be generated for you..

Just a loyalty thing for all the donators who have donated and for the ones that havent donated an incentive to get more value for their hard earned bucks. 8)
Just an idea Zen.?
What does other plp think of this idea.? Plz post here.!!! :roll:
This idea ROCKS!!!
And to spice things up a bit - make the dates unknown / you just have to check and see if it's a "double credit" day or not

Non-donators would get even more screwed i think. Maybe if there was a cap on it like 40 bucks it wouldnt be so bad....I dunno..Maybe
non donators are pretty much screwed anyway. i mean, how are you going to play this game and be competitive w/o donating? when they are so many people that DO donate? if couldn't have fun playing this game if it weren't for the donations i've made.
oh and i like this idea, BTW
make sure and mail me in game if you find out it's bonus credit day some day.
oh, and i agree there should be a cap as well. $40 sounds about right.
thawdgharp Wrote:non donators are pretty much screwed anyway. i mean, how are you going to play this game and be competitive w/o donating? when they are so many people that DO donate? if couldn't have fun playing this game if it weren't for the donations i've made.
Sad but true

Quote:This idea ROCKS!!!
And to spice things up a bit - make the dates unknown / you just have to check and see if it's a "double credit" day or not
No No No then non donators who would donate just for that occassion might miss out on it
It would have to be a set date for plp..
It would also help plp do upgrades on their houses which plp need badly. :wink:
imagine what the credit market would be like for a week or so following that day!
Most non donators dont donate because they simply can't, not by decision. I agree this would only give more to the donators while leaving the non-donators behind.
It's a great idea in a way but maybe have some kind of bonus after x donations but again, it comes back to being the same for non-donators.
Making a cap on it would just be the same prejudice to donators as yous are saying it is on Non-Donators.
It would only be one day not a day every week for a year. :roll: So on the large scale of things it wouldnt make a big differnce to the non donators anyway.
Its just for plp who need to get their endurance up a few lvl, buy a better house or get intel up..Its not going to ruin the game.?
It would if someone bought $1000 dollars worth and got millions of credits but we know that aint gonna happen.?