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(2012.Mar.21 02:48 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]Well said, mick.

But you forgot to tell him to avoid Spikelancelot, SuperDave, and Glamazon because they hosp n00bs just for grins.

General Info
Name: OldMaid [25074]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 25
Gender: Female
Signed Up: July 11, 2008 3:38:05 pm
Last Active: March 18, 2012 9:06:26 pm
Last Action: 2 days 19 hours 36 minutes 6 seconds ago

just dave and spikey now ")
(2012.Mar.21 02:44 PM)Slambambitto Wrote: [ -> ]Thank You

Hit me up when you are online. Ill send you 40 grand. Just be sure to bank it

Welcome little feller!
(2012.Mar.21 01:39 PM)Slambambitto Wrote: [ -> ]Im stuck...

I cant sign up for school, becuase I dont have enough energy.
I cant attack because I cant afford a weapon.
I cant afford a weapon because I can only do measly crimes that pay 5$
I cant bust people out of jail because its very rare someone is in jail that I can bust.
I am going nowhere in this game. At this rate ill be months before I can afford a weapon, then months before I can buy a good home.

any suggestions?

I play enough, but my attention span is only so long.

you should read my thread. titled "joining the real world"
(2012.Mar.21 04:41 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012.Mar.21 02:44 PM)Slambambitto Wrote: [ -> ]Thank You

Hit me up when you are online. Ill send you 40 grand. Just be sure to bank it

Welcome little feller!

Pages: 1 2
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