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lul. personal attacks. not only has that never been done (/lol), that's really helpful. seriously. very helpful.

i probably give a shit about this game more than most of you do. this used to be my FAVORITE GAME to play. period. i stayed up until all hours to write a god damned tutorial for this game. i care. a lot.

and to see NOTHING USEFUL HAPPEN to this game for 2 years. 2 fucking years. completely inactive admins doing nothing but pretend to fight nazi pirate chinese hackers 24/7 like its world war fuckin 3. seriously.

and we're going to cheer over a repeat drinking contest?

i'm surprised fewer of you were offended at the lack of effort
(2012.Mar.18 07:53 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Poptart, when is the last time you got laid?

zens not inactive, she just stepped down as admin and plays in her leisure under another name(s).

oh and collects our money.
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