(2012.Feb.23 10:42 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Feb.22 10:07 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Feb.22 10:05 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]thats me i think
dude do you want to know how many times i have almost hosped you in the last couple of days? your name is just below the last 7raws member on the gang user list page. 
thats good to know. now you can get away with "accidental" hits on me lol
we have had our fun mate. i promise i will never accidentally hosp you.

surpised to see you participating in a hosp war and not hiding in the 50 district for once

watching the general have to zerk zeon = priceless.
ftr genny, pretty sure zeon is pun as well.
(2012.Feb.23 04:20 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]he's hiding.
hiding like a fox!!! lol. the hosp tells the story dude.
Top 50 Most Active Attackers (Last 24 Hours)
Rank User Attacks
1 h~ Breeze 84
2 h~ Ush 76
3 h~ Sin 73
4 }A{ wardy92 70
5 h~ RustedOverWetDreams 67
6 h~ HarryHoodlum 63
(2012.Feb.23 07:38 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]Top 50 Most Active Attackers (Last 24 Hours)
Rank User Attacks
1 h~ Breeze 84
2 h~ Ush 76
3 h~ Sin 73
4 }A{ wardy92 70
5 h~ RustedOverWetDreams 67
6 h~ HarryHoodlum 63
nice leveling guys. what does it have to do with the thread? mods i think you can clean that and this one up.