2012.Feb.14, 10:30 AM
Pages: 1 2
2012.Feb.14, 11:17 AM
Nope doesn't work
2012.Feb.14, 11:24 AM
Hey cipher. Can you make it so end isn't automatically selected ever time you go to the gym. Unless you are training it everytime. I am still training acc but I just went to the gym and after I hit train I noticed it switched back to end. Blew all my happiness and I only got 21 end. I would have rather got my 170 acc.
2012.Feb.14, 01:30 PM
horrid that it takes all your happiness, should've made it just like res training..
2012.Feb.14, 01:51 PM
Everyone cries about not getting to train END and when we finally do there's just more whining. It's been said in multiple forum threads that it isn't really worth it.
2012.Feb.14, 01:54 PM
id rather train intel 

2012.Feb.14, 02:08 PM
(2012.Feb.14 01:30 PM)traumakush Wrote: [ -> ]horrid that it takes all your happiness, should've made it just like res training..
don't do a full train.
2012.Feb.14, 06:01 PM
I will take any little bit of END training I can get. Even if it is 20 per train, that is less credits I will need in the long run to buy off the market. For us who don't donate, that is crime money saved.
2012.Feb.14, 07:22 PM
(2012.Feb.14 06:01 PM)Jolabent Wrote: [ -> ]I will take any little bit of END training I can get. Even if it is 20 per train, that is less credits I will need in the long run to buy off the market. For us who don't donate, that is crime money saved.
This. At the current market low end for credits (I'll say 300 per), every point you get is worth 1200. To put this into perspective, a single 20 point train effectively gives you 24k worth of endurance. If you train 4 times, you'll almost definitely make more than you will in crimes. Worth it imo.
2012.Feb.14, 07:35 PM
(2012.Feb.14 07:22 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ](2012.Feb.14 06:01 PM)Jolabent Wrote: [ -> ]I will take any little bit of END training I can get. Even if it is 20 per train, that is less credits I will need in the long run to buy off the market. For us who don't donate, that is crime money saved.
This. At the current market low end for credits (I'll say 300 per), every point you get is worth 1200. To put this into perspective, a single 20 point train effectively gives you 24k worth of endurance. If you train 4 times, you'll almost definitely make more than you will in crimes. Worth it imo.
300 is rare. lets be real and say at least 330-340.
of course it is worth it.. if anything you miss a day of training normal stats while getting some end points. small amounts still help.
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