Is it me or are the game and forums acting up? first lag and now the connection keeps getting reset.
yep same for me, cant even log into the game
definitely. looks to be working now. check out the hosp
Hospital (8)
Jailhouse (3)
seems to be lagging for everyone
I dont know whether its my internet or not but everything is loading slower than usual and i found a bug i tried to bust someone out of jail it said the person you are trying to bust is no longer in jail and then it took away some of my action points
(2012.Feb.11 12:36 PM)tables18 Wrote: [ -> ]I dont know whether its my internet or not but everything is loading slower than usual and i found a bug i tried to bust someone out of jail it said the person you are trying to bust is no longer in jail and then it took away some of my action points
you probably double clicked it, meaning you busted them out, and then reloaded the page maknig it say 'the person is no longer in jail.'
thats my guess
Zen put up a post on the AL facebook page. I guess there was some data routing issues at the server's datacenter. Should be fixed by now, or soon if not.
My load times are really slow like I done a crime and it said i still had the same number of action points so i had to click on another page and then it was normal but still thats slow though
Well i guess this means there working on updates or this wouldnt have happened