2007.Jul.01, 11:28 AM
2007.Jul.01, 12:39 PM
I think so but diference isnt big 

2007.Jul.01, 02:40 PM
Nice thread Mud, I acctually have a simmilar question: If my battle stats stay the same and I level up, will I still get same exp from targets (being that we are compared by overall battle capabillities) or will it change that - or maybe I would only gain a couple of hitpoints?...
It's a real brainbuster for me for the past few days - so If anyone can clear this out for me I would appreciate it a lot!
It's a real brainbuster for me for the past few days - so If anyone can clear this out for me I would appreciate it a lot!

2007.Jul.01, 02:53 PM
Only Zenith know that. We can olny speculate but i think she said in some thread that levels still help in combat
2007.Jul.01, 03:35 PM
Rafallol Wrote:Only Zenith know that. We can olny speculate but i think she said in some thread that levels still help in combat
thanks. I was hoping she threw a hint out in the past. I couldn't find it tho.
2007.Jul.02, 05:58 PM
Dormagonn Wrote:Nice thread Mud, I acctually have a simmilar question: If my battle stats stay the same and I level up, will I still get same exp from targets (being that we are compared by overall battle capabillities) or will it change that - or maybe I would only gain a couple of hitpoints?...Exp in battles is somehow random but is determined by your power level vs your opponent's power level (lvl + stats + other things we don't quite know about). If you defeat players with a higher power level then you have good chances to earn a few bravery points.
As for the weapons/level thing. I think levels might help with damage reduction and maybe dodging a bullet but not sure it makes your gun do more damage. We know levels do matter in fights more than just to give more hp but no1 knows exactly how and what.
2007.Jul.17, 12:19 PM
I am a good example of this. I am about to be Lv 9 and my battle stats are almost the same as they were last month. I don't train them much and I am easily defeated by lower level users. I am all lv and no stat.
2007.Jul.17, 04:35 PM
EvilDeedz Wrote:I am a good example of this. I am about to be Lv 9 and my battle stats are almost the same as they were last month. I don't train them much and I am easily defeated by lower level users. I am all lv and no stat.
Yeah Im sure alot of lower leveled people are going to be farming ya.
2007.Jul.17, 08:59 PM
Don;t mind if I do.