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can you see my password?

Its just i use the same password on most things


Good usable password policy for home users:
The best method is to have different, complex passwords for everything, using passphrases. A complex password has 8 or more characters, capital letters, small letters, numbers and special characters in it. An example for AwakenedLands might be Wd666666lAL? from Why does 666666 like Awakened Lands?
An ok method is to have a core that is the same, with only a couple of differences related to the site Al666666!
The worst is to use the same password for each site.


whenever i make a password its just something i see when i look round my room


You really shouldnt use everyday words, as that can be hacked in about 10 seconds. At the lest, concatonate two words likethis, or even better, concatonate with a special symbol or number between them like6this.

Sam I Am

Your password is encrypted . Smile
Listen to Tobith and Lostangel, they have words of wisdom.

Jack Daniels

zenith Wrote:Listen to Tobith and Lostangel, they have words of wisdom.

Zen...."Tobith" and "Wisdom" should NEVER be used in the same sentence!!! lol


i do the same thing and use the same password for other games, though i dont play them any more


I can't remember my name sometimes, so i have no chance when it comes to passwords. I even forget the answer to my prompt questions in some games.
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