I am updating the wiki's inactives list .. if anyone has any Id's that are not on the list that you would like added in . or Id's that you have noticed to be incorrect please post them here or mail me in game .. and i will add it or fix it ...
thanx a bunch

ID Name Level Health Status Location
101 Jack Mort NPC Healthy Offline NPC
105 Enrico Balazar NPC Healthy Offline NPC
106 The Horvath NPC Healthy Offline NPC
107 Ramon Wiley NPC Healthy Offline NPC
108 Nap Olecat NPC Healthy Away NPC
109 Dudley Burnsides NPC Healthy Online NPC
110 Xavier Halcon NPC Healthy Online NPC
111 Jay Miranda NPC Healthy Offline NPC
112 Axel Johanssen NPC Healthy Offline NPC
1002 Chris 40 Healthy Inactive BEACH
1046 Sam I Am 29 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
1048 Sarge 35 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
1089 jlabrasseur 34 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
1292 kingdom 21 Healthy Inactive ?
1301 cts 35 Healthy Inactive RURAL
1348 0000001111001100 35 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
1399 Lostangel 30 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
1477 KeyserSoze 30 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
1524 MoishaSan 32 Healthy Inactive RURAL
1745 Hawk187 31 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
1831 FrankieWilde 44 Healthy Inactive RURAL
2006 noblebandit 30 Healthy Inactive ?
2082 UNARMED 30 Healthy Inactive RURAL
2113 Captnhowdy 31 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
2260 ShadowsCK 32 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
2366 Pinataman 43 Healthy Inactive BEACH
2429 BrennyLeaks 41 Healthy Inactive RURAL
2681 Kain 40 Serious Condition Inactive BEACH
2693 Rafal 72 Healthy Inactive ?
2705 OEF5 30 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
2735 SilverSurfer 32 Good Inactive DOWNTOWN
2804 witless 41 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
2831 TheDrunk 43 Near Death Offline DOWNTOWN
2854 Geek 31 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
2858 HmmmHiAllByeAgain 54 Healthy Inactive BEACH
2867 milk 22 Healthy Inactive ?
3271 Shade 37 Healthy Inactive ?
3459 OutOfHisMindAgain 31 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
3529 grabtindy 30 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
3541 PhilsWIN 31 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
3556 Nilynrae 27 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
3585 Zzz 54 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
3587 BigPapiG 28 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
3593 Bombz 37 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
3595 MalnourishedDog 30 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
3745 civilk 31 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
4224 LordKillAlot 33 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
4271 GhostRider 34 Fair Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
4341 Bishop 46 Critical Condition Inactive BEACH
4410 VerboseCollegeKid 50 Healthy Inactive ARCOLOGY
4635 Dragonz 32 Healthy Inactive ?
4670 Yoda 37 Fair Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
4765 BlackPanther 54 Healthy Inactive ARCH
4884 Nefarious1 33 Healthy Offline DOWNTOWN
5032 Apophis 27 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
5135 Chatterer 34 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
5172 greengrow 30 Good Inactive INDUSTRIAL
5200 Dayute 29 Healthy Inactive RURAL
5388 PseudoDerf 35 Healthy Inactive RURAL
5477 DarthNader 17 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
5518 shadowguard 51 Good Inactive DOWNTOWN
5757 SeahousesJambo 39 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
5802 FearTheReaper 34 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
6108 MrS 34 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun 33 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
6414 ColonelONeil 34 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
6756 HappyHolidaysBBH 40 Healthy Inactive BEACH
6765 Saint 30 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
6872 SOONERMAN 27 Fair Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
7139 Zeus86 32 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
7453 CustieMcNooberson 32 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
7539 Bec 37 Healthy Offline MIDLAN
7557 airrow 33 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
7574 Rivette 32 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
7706 Tron 42 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
7905 w00k 52 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
8336 RetiredColonelingus 51 Healthy Offline DOWNTOWN
8431 Behemoth 48 Healthy Inactive BEACH
8502 easyXPtilDec15th 30 Serious Condition Offline DOWNTOWN
8626 KcCashBrigade 34 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
8641 ClydeIsDead 30 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
8667 GoneToALHeaven 31 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
8728 torxim 40 Healthy Inactive BEACH
8778 LonglivetheW00k 35 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
8958 FinalFantasyXIV 31 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
9184 Smiley 40 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
9255 TheRealRocketMan 27 Healthy Inactive ?
9659 FirstBlood 50 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
10206 drfc1879 30 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
11039 LEGofLAMBofGOD 32 Healthy Inactive RURAL
11062 Acheron 23 Healthy Inactive ?
11107 FlyingDutchman 33 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
11516 BlitzKrieg 38 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
11889 Frostii 27 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
12286 duhcline 45 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
13133 Morthos 21 Healthy Inactive ?
13330 DrasticJasper 24 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
13362 Ryan 39 Good Inactive DOWNTOWN
13432 Deano 29 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
13711 MOBhaslife 28 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
13764 shadowrain 35 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
14136 Bouncer 17 Healthy Inactive ?
14342 Divinity 44 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
14772 Eff 32 Critical Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
14921 SexyKerry 34 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
14948 Preacher 42 Healthy Inactive RURAL
15490 Madmartigan 37 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
16262 CorradoKid 34 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
16450 Wolverine 38 Healthy Offline DOWNTOWN
16543 SGsOldLady 32 Healthy Inactive INDUSTRIAL
17167 Ronin 58 Healthy Offline UNDERGROUND
17339 Coldkiller 45 Serious Condition Inactive ?
17348 FATAL1TY 48 Healthy Inactive RURAL
17919 BlackList 30 Serious Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
18298 clutch 33 Fair Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
18334 SuPeRdRy 20 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
18338 Mace 47 Healthy Inactive BEACH
18735 ValhallanDeath 30 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
19542 jolly 31 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
19632 MrPickles 35 Critical Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
20242 NbrEighteen 41 Near Death Inactive DOWNTOWN
20332 Jhiieri 35 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
21544 PsYcHoTiC 34 Healthy Inactive MIDLAN
21853 BigJoe 36 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
22264 Chade 32 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
22357 Namaris 21 Healthy Inactive ?
22476 RedZ28 31 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
22994 carousel 33 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
23047 FckCheatingBtches 53 Healthy Inactive ?
23078 OneDon 23 Healthy Inactive ?
23273 Jager 38 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
23532 PebblesPebblesPebble 31 Good Inactive DOWNTOWN
23574 jpc1080 37 Healthy Offline DOWNTOWN
23839 SCBraga 39 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
24322 stevieh 43 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
24802 RetiredLuck 43 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
24895 WeaponX 27 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
25602 jamestheshiner 22 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
25710 MrFitz 39 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
25834 LanceCorp 29 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
26004 ExtremePeanutNinja 32 Healthy Inactive ?
26086 English 32 Healthy Inactive ?
26351 BigEmpty 46 Healthy Inactive BEACH
26667 Gerber 40 Critical Condition Inactive ?
26678 DeutschBier 18 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
26800 RunAwayTrain 38 Fair Condition Inactive DOWNTOWN
26953 Malcontent 34 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
27045 MRSCOLDKILLER 26 Healthy Inactive ?
27564 Pixey 39 Healthy Inactive ?
28053 DeepMidnightVoice 34 Healthy Inactive UNDERGROUND
28060 BigUncleC 27 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
28374 snorkelbill 51 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
28520 Davefromaccounting 37 Healthy Offline DOWNTOWN
28533 Carrion 30 Good Offline DOWNTOWN
28869 hArLeQuIn 19 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
28983 tajcha0109 22 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
29194 path 27 Healthy Inactive ?
29261 BadAzSW 21 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
29410 none 25 Healthy Inactive ?
29886 UrAkutter 23 Healthy Inactive ?
30253 Jarlaxle456 48 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
30310 EDZILLA 21 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
30687 jo14zzz 15 Healthy Inactive ?
31422 INZANE 35 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
32040 2asandab 32 Healthy Inactive ?
32307 pr05ser 28 Good Inactive DOWNTOWN
32814 Melisande 37 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
33797 2XS 37 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
34820 Cuturgut 35 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
35933 Destroy3r 14 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
36044 CHICC3N 26 Healthy Offline DOWNTOWN
37439 Nappa 34 Healthy Offline UNDERGROUND
37815 NZvillianss 22 Healthy Inactive ?
38359 EvilBastard 17 Healthy Inactive ?
39605 Link 15 Healthy Inactive DOWNTOWN
any help with the '?' locations would be grand
the unknowns that i have so far are
1046 LVL 29 ?
4635 LVL 32 ?
5200 LVL 29 ?
6765 LVL 30 ?
22950 LVL 20 ?
5438 LVL 20 ?
5006 LVL 23 ?
13668 LVL 23 ?
11851 LVL 25 ?
36760 LVL 14 ?
2097 LVL 13 ?
2168 LVL 18 ?
1301 LVL 35 ?
4269 LVL 17 ?
16706 LVL 15 ?
1292 LVL 21 ?
2006 LVL 30 ?
2693 LVL 72 ?
2867 LVL 22 ?
3271 LVL 37 ?
4635 LVL 32 ?
4765 LVL 54 ?
9255 LVL 27 ?
11062 LVL 23 ?
13133 LVL 21 ?
14136 LVL 17 ?
22357 LVL 21 ?
27045 LVL 26 ?
27564 LVL 39 ?
26004 LVL 32 ?
26086 LVL 32 ?
26667 LVL 40 ?
23078 LVL 23 ?
29410 LVL 25 ?
29886 LVL 23 ?
29194 LVL 27 ?
30687 LVL 15 ?
32040 LVL 32 ?
37815 LVL 22 ?
38359 LVL 17 ?
17339 LVL 45 ?
If anyone knows where these players are could you let me know
