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Word on the street is there will be a gym day tomorrow.
double xp day too?Ninja
(2012.Jan.29 09:45 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]double xp day too?Ninja

I think double xp would be sweet +1
yay gym day. just finished grinding out my acc. gonna mob down some dex today
Thanks for the gym day! On a Monday!

They're usually on held on Fridays, aren't they?
awesome, gym days are great. better than new stuff. keep it coming Smile
(2012.Jan.30 01:36 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]awesome, gym days are great. better than new stuff. keep it coming Smile

+1 minus the sarcasm
no, i agree. let's celebrate these things. useful updates are overrated. let's get more gym days! give me more numbers!!!!!!
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