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I am currently using Ares Ionized Bardiche and I want to use the Ono Axe. My Strength and Dexterity is beyond the requirements. But My endurance is the minimum for the weapon.

So my question is will I see better results if I just stick with Ares Ionized Bardiche or Switch to Ono Axe with Endo being the requirement??? ( should I just wait some time till requirement of Endo is above or go ahead and use it with Minimum Endurance???

Broyles Inc. Ionized Ono Axe
Item Type Melee (Axe)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 0
Weight (kilograms) 5.0 kg
Standard Price $800,000
Trade-in Value $110,000
While a rarity among melee axes, the Sohei Ono is actually intended for agriculture and labor. Sohei monks however adapted to using them with great skill. Current versions of the weapon work around its weaknesses by strengthening and lightening the entire 4-foot weapon by using titanium. Broyles Inc has added an ionization charge to the blade to defeat many armors.
Item Requirements
Strength 35
Dexterity 28
Endurance 17
endo has little to no effect on effectiveness of weapons, just is required to equip. go ahead and pick up the next step and you'll be better off.

imo it's always better to upgrade weapons asap rather than get your stats way above then move up. but endo tends to be the limiting factor.
id say 3-5 stats above the req are ideal... all weapons are different though.

but your endurance is another story, i dont think it has as much effect on the weapon if its not above the req.
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