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Full Version: Jail Busting Confusion
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Can someone please explain to me the requirements to attempt a jail bust.

I've tried to attempt busting myself, or others out of jail at least 50 times.

I've had ONE actual attempt. The rest of the time I get "You don't have the guts to attempt that right now"

What's up with that?

Thanks for all your help in advance.



You need certain amount of action points before you can attempt a jail bust. (I think it is 6).


That explains it. Thank you!
to bust someone out of jail, it takes 1/3 (rounded up) of your max AP to attempt a bust.


That couldn't have been a more perfect explanation. Sorry if the question had already been asked, but I hadn't seen it anywhere.

Was just curious thank you so much Eagle.


Rather then depending solely from AP, "having guts" to bust someone sometimes means you need more experience i.e. bigger level to do that bust.

I guess the two are connected indirectly, since the bigger the level, the more AP is required to bust people, so yeah, it may come down to that: your AP required for a bust at your level are less then what is required by the specific bust you can't pull off. :wink:
having the guts to bust someone requires AP. Needing more experience (and yes there are 2 different messages) requires level.
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