2012.Jan.17, 05:50 PM
Heres my proposal for a new app to make the game a bit more exciting and to make players more active
Hope you enjoy.....
1.I think that you should be able to take a gang member hostage (during war)......
2.It should cost you action points or gang points (and only be able to be done twice -give or take 1- )......
3.now the hostage if strong enough should be able to get away, but if he's not strong enough will be taken hostage......The hostage should be slowly losing life.... and after say 200 minutes the hostage should be hospitalised (this could be adjusted for player level's)
4.After being taken hostage (which when you go into gang it say hostage) he should be able to use his action points (which will build up only a little slower) to escape just like in jail.....
5.If a gang has less members online the easier it is to breakout/if all members go offline then the hostage is free....
6.The higher the hostage level the more gang points or money (e.g. level 5 5 gang points every three minutes... Level 30 5 gang points every 30 secs)......
7.Now the gang holding the hostage can set a ransom (incase the other gang needs him out and are willing to pay).......
8.The gang also holding the hostage should be able to hurt him although if they put his life below 30% he's hospitalised and free (when on the hostage option in gang it should have e.g inflict face wound or stab out eye lol )..... On the other gangs events it would come up e.g you have been sent an eye or a finger .....
9.When the hostage is taken their should be about 20-30 different responses that appear e.g. TommHitman93 was kidnapped will filling up his Lamborghini at the gas station (on the other side: You was kidnapped while fuelling up your Lamborghini at the gas station...... e.g. 2: TommHitman93 was kidnapped will shopping for jewellery (now the gang taking him hostage It would come up like an OC but take about as much time as too attack someone...)
10. EXAMPLE: I have just declared war on Territory Threat (yes the names will be made up).... Will attacking their base i decide to choose one of their members to attack (TommHitman93)...
.....Instead of say gang battling him i choose hostage (which has e.g since he's say level 15 it has 10 gang point -It will have to be worked out so if the gang are good enough they will be able to make profit)....
Now because I'm say level 20 and i have 4 people on my gang online we capture him (You should only be able to take people in a 5 level perimeter - 5 levels above or below you- from yourself)...
After collecting say 5 gang points every 10 mins we decide as he only as say 20 mins left( 3.) to get rid of him...
We now set a ransom for say $40,000 or 40 gang points and it pops up on all there events... They now choose to pay or not.....
So say they aint paying now we decide to knock his health down a bit more to scare them....
So I select "Gang > Hostage/s (as you can only do it twice to one gang a war) and then torture (if i have enough energy points...
On my screen i select e.g. punch or dismember .... In the enemies events it will appear you have been sent e.g an ear or a finger....
The hostage once taken will only be able to "Try Move" (this will cost energy) which will either add him a little bit more life or it will make it a little easier for him too escape...
If he's is able to move a little bit and its at the right time he can select (and be successful) "Escape" (which he could have done from the start but he would have been less likely to escape if he didn't "Try Move")
If the gang member does escape he gets some Experience just like escaping from jail ;D
I think this is something new (which is open to change and criticism)... which will interest long term players to take others hostage for fun a profit.... To new players as its different from the other games
First you "Plan"....Then you have an "Idea"......Then the "Idea" gets put into "Action"....
Please message me back as i would like to know your thoughts on it
Heres my proposal for a new app to make the game a bit more exciting and to make players more active

1.I think that you should be able to take a gang member hostage (during war)......
2.It should cost you action points or gang points (and only be able to be done twice -give or take 1- )......
3.now the hostage if strong enough should be able to get away, but if he's not strong enough will be taken hostage......The hostage should be slowly losing life.... and after say 200 minutes the hostage should be hospitalised (this could be adjusted for player level's)
4.After being taken hostage (which when you go into gang it say hostage) he should be able to use his action points (which will build up only a little slower) to escape just like in jail.....
5.If a gang has less members online the easier it is to breakout/if all members go offline then the hostage is free....
6.The higher the hostage level the more gang points or money (e.g. level 5 5 gang points every three minutes... Level 30 5 gang points every 30 secs)......
7.Now the gang holding the hostage can set a ransom (incase the other gang needs him out and are willing to pay).......
8.The gang also holding the hostage should be able to hurt him although if they put his life below 30% he's hospitalised and free (when on the hostage option in gang it should have e.g inflict face wound or stab out eye lol )..... On the other gangs events it would come up e.g you have been sent an eye or a finger .....
9.When the hostage is taken their should be about 20-30 different responses that appear e.g. TommHitman93 was kidnapped will filling up his Lamborghini at the gas station (on the other side: You was kidnapped while fuelling up your Lamborghini at the gas station...... e.g. 2: TommHitman93 was kidnapped will shopping for jewellery (now the gang taking him hostage It would come up like an OC but take about as much time as too attack someone...)
10. EXAMPLE: I have just declared war on Territory Threat (yes the names will be made up).... Will attacking their base i decide to choose one of their members to attack (TommHitman93)...
.....Instead of say gang battling him i choose hostage (which has e.g since he's say level 15 it has 10 gang point -It will have to be worked out so if the gang are good enough they will be able to make profit)....
Now because I'm say level 20 and i have 4 people on my gang online we capture him (You should only be able to take people in a 5 level perimeter - 5 levels above or below you- from yourself)...
After collecting say 5 gang points every 10 mins we decide as he only as say 20 mins left( 3.) to get rid of him...
We now set a ransom for say $40,000 or 40 gang points and it pops up on all there events... They now choose to pay or not.....
So say they aint paying now we decide to knock his health down a bit more to scare them....
So I select "Gang > Hostage/s (as you can only do it twice to one gang a war) and then torture (if i have enough energy points...
On my screen i select e.g. punch or dismember .... In the enemies events it will appear you have been sent e.g an ear or a finger....
The hostage once taken will only be able to "Try Move" (this will cost energy) which will either add him a little bit more life or it will make it a little easier for him too escape...
If he's is able to move a little bit and its at the right time he can select (and be successful) "Escape" (which he could have done from the start but he would have been less likely to escape if he didn't "Try Move")
If the gang member does escape he gets some Experience just like escaping from jail ;D
I think this is something new (which is open to change and criticism)... which will interest long term players to take others hostage for fun a profit.... To new players as its different from the other games
First you "Plan"....Then you have an "Idea"......Then the "Idea" gets put into "Action"....
Please message me back as i would like to know your thoughts on it