oh yah, i'd be happy with it for sures. actually i'd be happy with just about any event. i mean we haven't had a drink athon since before tommi quit
That's right! Everyone else has a chance.
(2012.Jan.20 02:04 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]There was definitely an endurance day last year. The problem with training END is that the happiness loss from training is massive, especially for the gains from training. It's great to have, but not the most worthwhile thing for us.
O yeah I do remember the endurance training day. it sucked since it killed all your happiness.
That doesn't answer my question moron.
he quit a while ago just kinda disappeared
(2012.Jan.15 04:35 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]any chance of putting endurance as something we can train?
unique gym days are more important than updates. please include them.
(2012.Jan.21 09:03 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Jan.15 04:35 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]any chance of putting endurance as something we can train?
unique gym days are more important than updates. please include them.
well the updates don't seem to come that often. gym days are already coded. you could always stay offline on the gym day in protest if you want.