It would be cool to get a shirt with the AL logo at the top and "Your Gang" below it. Under that it would have all the people from your gang's forum avaters. If you could do a super villains one I'd buy it for sure.
::signs up on waiting list::
bagheera75 Wrote:I'm working on opening my own screenprinting/embroidery shop. I have been asked to make shirts for the Sesame Street Mafia seeing as some of us are RL friends. If you seriously want a shirt email me in game & I'll throw some prices at you depending on what you want. Be as specific as possible.
But only if Zenith gives me permission to use of course!! :wink:
Also if your already working on this with Eagle then I'll respectfully withdraw offer.
I'm not in it to make money or "royalties". If you want to do it and Zen says it's ok, GO FOR IT!
Even better, I'll email you my graphics once I'm done in case you want to use them. IMO more publicity the better!
That's what our thoughts are too!
Although GhostRider, I have to be careful with the licensing issues. Most of your Super Villians gang's names are either registered or trademarked and that cost more money than I got to puchase those at the moment. But I'll see what I can do about it.
Yeah, no need to get sued over Ghostrider's shirt.
lol, maybe the original names can be used i.e. "psheehan78", since they will stay forever

I dunno..
Last time I tried to wear a shirt with funny names on it police pulled me over and tried to arrest me for some gang-activity involved in that t-shirt name.
Not to say that I'm against gang-names or anything. :wink: :wink:
I want that famous shirt that says " I'm a bomb specialist, if you see me running, try to keep up!!".
hydro9226 Wrote:I want that famous shirt that says " I'm a bomb specialist, if you see me running, try to keep up!!".
I'll give you 30k AL money if you do that at a US airport.
oh man that would be something to see.