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Full Version: XP Logger
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(2011.Nov.14 12:11 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Oct.09 01:31 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Aug.04 09:20 AM)Acooper Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Oct.09 08:38 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]how bout an experience logger so we can chart our gains and losses per day and even how much gained after lost xp from bite offs and ppl hittin u?

i like this idea too

it'd be nice to keep track of, plus you could use it to try and beat previous days of xp gain.

not even just attacks, xp from jail bust and crimes too, or career. we gain so little per hour of work that i really forgot it was there till i just remembered it now

yea, so....

Sorry haven't replied. Don't normally look down this end of the forum. I think these ideas are great. Like how much exp you have earned in a day. It could be a little of the same coding to gang war summary that was recently added a couple of months ago. And the gang batles points earned. Both excellent ideas.
Oi, ELMicko, were these your ideas? Or did u copy them from somewhere?
No they were his ideas
originals as far as i know. doesnt mean im the first to suggest them, but as far as i know i am
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