I figure this is probably a newb question.
(I try not to ask too many due to embarrasment level in public)
I'm trying to raise my reputation and intelligence level, but I noticed that the only jobs I am eligible for do not give reputation or intelligence.
I figure the only way to level it is through the buying credits and so forth. Could someone possibly point me in what I think is the only obvious answer possible?
I talked to someone else who's currently helping me out when he's online and says that he does recieve reputation and intelligence (but he's also a higher level as well with more reputation and intelligence of course)
Any takers to give some advice to this 'noob' I call myself?
I think for your intelligence, donate, and for rep, go to "school".
School gives both with higher jobs but not enough to be considered as the only way to raise it. I currently need 4 1/2 years with my current job to get my next level of intel and over 7 years for endurance.
Credits is the main and fastest way.
if to promote u need rep, and u are not getting any rep now, then change ur job to McAdams and promote to the highest u can and see if u get rep there. When u have got enough rep, go back to ur previous job and get the promotion, but i will advise u to stay there in McAdams, because it gives more rep than the second job. Stay there until u can come into the military or police job.
(don't remember the job's names)
Soney09 Wrote:if to promote u need rep, and u are not getting any rep now, then change ur job to McAdams and promote to the highest u can and see if u get rep there. When u have got enough rep, go back to ur previous job and get the promotion, but i will advise u to stay there in McAdams, because it gives more rep than the second job. Stay there until u can come into the military or police job.
(don't remember the job's names)
I would like to see a s/s of that military job you got, I've bene here for a while, very close to police lieutenant and I've never seen the option to go military.
haha.. well it will open up soon

.. a top secret project in AL.. high classified :wink:
i meant police there.. didn't really remember if the job was military or polic

You might find it worthwhile to this list that Druichi compiled as to what each class has to offer:
Assuming this is correct, P.E. 200 yields a Reputation boost of 5, P.E. 400 yields a Reputation boost of 20, and Computer Programming 102 will boost Reputation by 1.
In addition any computer course and several of the P.E. courses will boost Int quite nicely.
Hope this helps! ^_~
preciate all of this.
I think this goes to show me I should have never posted this darn thread.
just follow the al addict website, (read everything on it... I mean everything) and there should be no worries,...
you can be a cop on here kwel
what do u get for being a cop?