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Pages: 1 2
39713 Rape? DigitalAngel 15 3335 Needed a refresher course with Bubba! Bust
(2011.Oct.04 03:40 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]39713 Rape? DigitalAngel 15 3335 Needed a refresher course with Bubba! Bust

i nominate this for best quote of the year
(2011.Oct.04 05:27 PM)sickness Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Oct.04 03:40 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]39713 Rape? DigitalAngel 15 3335 Needed a refresher course with Bubba! Bust

i nominate this for best quote of the year

(2011.Oct.04 03:04 PM)delpot Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.30 10:36 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]named for bbh and his relentless vocabulary

BBH was my OG nemesis. wish he would come out of hiding now so I can mess with him again.

BBH just quit not to long ago. He was playing under another name in the bees.
he was once iceman2020 but that was the same account as was bbh
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