I was wondering, when I ran my PTR site we did something with members who joined without a referral.
We gave these non-referred members to members who were paying for upgrades at that time.
I was just wondering if anything like that was currently being implemented or if it had ever been discussed?
good idea. I had a simmilar experience on a PTC site - it might be implemented here as a stimule - maybe non-refferals asigned randomly to any donor...
Can't wait to see the complaint when some1 will inherits an orphan like Pullo!!!
Bad bad idea, just my opinion, let's hear others.
every non-referral should contribute to declining housing prices. instead of getting minor points for their activity/donating, the price of housing should go down!!!
it would affect the entire AL community to a SMALL degree, and it would make up for a lack of referral points, because a referral's activity benefits their referrer, whereas a non-referral does not contribute any such bonuses
The referral program is to entice players to promote the game. If you spend your own time promoting the game on other websites, word of mouth, etc, then you deserve every free referral point coming to you. If you don't want to spend the time to promote the game, then you don't deserve any referral points.
I think players who really put in some effort in promoting the game would feel cheated if I just handed out referrals for no work.
I am not sure why more players haven't taken advantage of free credits for simply posting their referral link on forums around the internet. It's simply a numbers game, the more you bring in the more chance you have of getting free referral points. Sure you might bring in 100 players who don't stick around, but out of that 100 you might find 2 or 3 players who generate 2,000 free credits a month for you.
Yer true I agree with Zenny, it's not even time consuming to make referals it's just annoying when the people come in and are too stupid to check the Junk Mail box or because it's in their junk mail they think the website is a scam lol. That really cheeses me off. Also a lil hint, try to get the donators of other games this way they're probablly more likelly to spend there money on this game if they like it.

zenith Wrote:I am not sure why more players haven't taken advantage of free credits for simply posting their referral link on forums around the internet. It's simply a numbers game, the more you bring in the more chance you have of getting free referral points. Sure you might bring in 100 players who don't stick around, but out of that 100 you might find 2 or 3 players who generate 2,000 free credits a month for you.
Why do you always take me as an example?!? :wink:
Referrals : 61
Active : 8
Donators : 2
total ref points : 74700
Trust me, it is worth it.