Anybody know exactly how critical resistance works? thinking about gaining another rank but I am not sure how it works.
Does it help resist more damage on a critical hit or does it prevent opponant from getting bigger critical hits?
Defensive skills are a waste of time. Get your armor handling to 3 so you can wear the top armor and train your weapon skill. In the event you use a shitty hideout weapon maybe get a few military assault ranks
(2011.Sep.26 08:49 AM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]Defensive skills are a waste of time. Get your armor handling to 3 so you can wear the top armor and train your weapon skill. In the event you use a shitty hideout weapon maybe get a few military assault ranks
They are not a complete waste. You need one lvl of skill in each of the 3 def skills to negate one weapon skill of your opponent. Example would be if you have a weapon skill of 11, and all my def skills are at 2, your effective skill in that weapon for our fight would drop to 9.
Now it would seem that def skills are a waste but there is a time when training up one lvl in each def skill is faster than one lvl of skill in your weapon. Thereby giving you a faster combat advantage than if you only trained your weapon skill.
Try figuring out how fast it takes to increase each lvl and you'll figure out when to train def, and when to train weapon skillls.
(2011.Sep.26 08:57 AM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Sep.26 08:49 AM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]Defensive skills are a waste of time. Get your armor handling to 3 so you can wear the top armor and train your weapon skill. In the event you use a shitty hideout weapon maybe get a few military assault ranks
They are not a complete waste. You need one lvl of skill in each of the 3 def skills to negate one weapon skill of your opponent. Example would be if you have a weapon skill of 11, and all my def skills are at 2, your effective skill in that weapon for our fight would drop to 9.
Now it would seem that def skills are a waste but there is a time when training up one lvl in each def skill is faster than one lvl of skill in your weapon. Thereby giving you a faster combat advantage than if you only trained your weapon skill.
Try figuring out how fast it takes to increase each lvl and you'll figure out when to train def, and when to train weapon skillls.
Or if you're too cheap to shell out cash for intel...
Are the def skills equal to the weapon skill when each def skills are equal, or do they offset
each of those aspects of the weapon? Just wondering because my weapon skill will be reaching my intelligence soon and I want to increase another aspect of my character until I can throw some more cash into my smarts
I undeesta.d where you are coming from josh but I personally feel the couple hundred hours is still better off put into your weapon skill
School boy if you are gonna train your def skills do them evenly train all 3 to rank one then rank 2 etc. In order to actually see a benefit from them that's the way to do it. Raising one of them truly is pointless unless its for an item requirement
id recommend as much combat skill as possible, even if that means a few donations. other than that, id agree to train them all equally. if you are a heavy character however, do not train your combat evasion as much since you need to be light to effectively use it.
at the end of the day its all randomlands...
I must be clairvoyant.
I train my def skills evenly because I have OCD. Glad to hear I did it right!
defensive skills arent worthless, in fact, i have found them to be rather useful, especially when i was a weaker player and couldnt obtain the higher armors...
if you are looking for big nasty crits, skills seem to aid in that, as well as being a shotgun user

I hate training shotgun! training 3 hardcore stats. Just glad I didn't try blunt.