hit me up if you need stimmed out after you borg
i'll throw in a belt charge too
This guy is a nice guy send him a in game msg if u need a stim after borg. And best of all FREE BELT CHARGE....

(2011.Sep.22 11:04 PM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]This guy is a nice guy send him a in game msg if u need a stim after borg. And best of all FREE BELT CHARGE.... 
this is the same guy that used to take cash to hosp anyone right? now he does nice things for free.... lmao
(2011.Sep.23 12:17 AM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Sep.23 12:15 AM)Shadowmask Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Sep.22 11:59 PM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Sep.22 11:42 PM)Shadowmask Wrote: [ -> ]Busted? lol
what busted?
Squirrel borg? were screwed o.0