You're spoiling my fun acci. I'm gonna go ahead and say it was implied because of the gay references.
It was discussed when Val hit 300k. Zenith said she not going to give out a tag until someone hit's 500k, then 750k then a mill.
Anybody want to bet me that it will take Habitat fewer days to get to 500K than it will for Zen to give them the tag once they hit 500K?
(2011.Sep.14 09:57 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody want to bet me that it will take Habitat fewer days to get to 500K than it will for Zen to give them the tag once they hit 500K?
i'll pass on that one
(2011.Sep.14 09:57 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody want to bet me that it will take Habitat fewer days to get to 500K than it will for Ben to give them the tag once they hit 500K?