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(2011.Sep.03 02:54 PM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Battleground...

Btw where is my picture with thread fail???...why only my stupid picture had been deleted?

[Image: memes-wouldnt-it-be-ironic.jpg]
(2011.Sep.06 04:36 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the bump. I still don't have my battleground privilege.

you still upset about that? time to move on, buddy. shouldn't live life angry all the time.
[Image: Angry_Man_Chronicles.jpg]
thanx for stretching out the forums man
wtf is battle ground
Let me add you
(2011.Sep.07 10:39 PM)bigchaz Wrote: [ -> ]wtf is battle ground

its place where you are allowed to insult people and bash them. Whatever you do don't insult Jola tho or she will take away your privileges.
(2011.Sep.07 10:39 PM)bigchaz Wrote: [ -> ]wtf is battle ground

It's a place where Batman posts lots of pictures.
(2011.Sep.08 12:50 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.07 10:39 PM)bigchaz Wrote: [ -> ]wtf is battle ground

It's a place where Batman posts lots of pictures.
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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