Dormagonn Wrote:I buy sneakers on the regular
and like the taste of snickers down my jugular
a real sneaky plan is one that can command a man into a handstand
and then put him into trance before perfoming slow dances
lip-singing Janets 97's - on hidden cameras
with lips not moving thus proving
that a sneaky thing a day keeps the ethics well at bay
but hey, this is the A to the L - that's why we got Jail
so better hope you get a bust if you can't afford to bail
this rap is so tight i might as well be rappin' brail
even blind people dig it - when touching the screen
I'm not mean I'm just a super fiend for that green
I got imagination pooring out my ears like fountains
I'm Niagara -like, that's why I rap to this thread
Skull got the beatbreaker antics now I'm breakin' this bread
I'm not in Fed Jail, but man I gotta keep myself fed
you get that?
And if ya don't believe this - I just came back from yall's mamas
ask my pyjamas,
I left them on her bed-covers
*jokes, jokes*
Ummmmmmmmm, wrong thread?
yeah maybe a lil'

I got carried away - at first i was only gonna make a joke about a sneaky thing and me having sneakers, but it kinda took over me LOL
can we have a rap amnesty
once in awhile a topic catches your eye
its so flashy theres no way you can pass it by
to prove once and for all that youre the great sneak
your voice must be heard, we'll all hear you speak
but the way it was said seemed quite out of place
a rap about wearing sneakers and getting ready to race
when really we just mean what's the #1 deception
and from who's dark mind came the ultim' conception
but its ok, we all know you meant good and well
and we're glad youve come out of your shell
although you ultimately seem far too driven
hush now and go - you are forgiven
villains fo life
Villains fo life lol. Trus me don.
My My dare i say as its just to nasty
Well maybe a bit
Me and 3 other guys were having a friloic with a lady on here in rural, her husband cam back as we were on the job ! we all had to jump out the window of her TownHouse as the SOB has a T450 right in his hand..10feet fall :shock:
I broke my Arm so i hade to go in for surgery that night for an implant just to straighten it out and what a miracle those guys do in the chopshop, I was right as rain the next morning
You should have seen us run man we were like straight onto that bus and into downtown as fast as we could get there where we hid out for a few days at a friends Villa..
Still aint been caught yet but those nasty police guys are still investigating
I just hope zen doesnt get involed as she just like those CSI guys

You cant escape anything on here without Zenny finding out about it

Greatest mugging of all time

sounds like someone needs a diaper change :roll: