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Full Version: Lets Make a Deal im your Host GlenQuagmire
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Pages: 1 2
(2011.Aug.21 03:31 PM)tables18 Wrote: [ -> ]Well heres something new somebody send me a Candy Cane and i keep it ill send you a 1,000 for the rest of ur AwakenedLands time
lol, 1000 once? Once a year? Once a month? Once a week?
You do know the cheapest candy cane on the market is 100k. If you mean once a month that is over 8 years.
I doubt anyone is going to be that stupid.
1k a day for the rest of ur AL life
lmoa. Wow, I've had a hard time understanding wtf you're trying to say buddy. Fire up the crack pipe a tad early did we?
Wrangler Season is open
typically i dont like to agree with SW but really dude, just shut the fuck up already.
Play nice Mick, he's a retarded tranning
(2011.Aug.24 06:09 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]Play nice Mick, he's a retarded tranning

you didn't have to mention it
posts in epic thread.............. Eek
We have the REAL GlennQuagmire and then we have some douche portraying GlenQuagmire....Seriously tables get your own name and stop imitating others
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