2011.Aug.18, 06:54 PM
nothingant to be seen borgingte='Batman' pid='231659' dateline='1313595972']
Let me see...I pay a lot of cash to borg and then I pay to a lot of cash to reduce my hosp time....
Better is take a break and go offline for few hours.
Some people dont want to be seen borging
(2011.Aug.17 08:50 AM)whitetrash Wrote: [ -> ]i got 1000 career point as a scintest to use to lower you borg stay mail me for prices b4 you go in to borg
Let me see...I pay a lot of cash to borg and then I pay to a lot of cash to reduce my hosp time....
Better is take a break and go offline for few hours.

Some people dont want to be seen borging