Just a side note here other than the fact the online attack rule is not a game rule, but merely player-agreed etiquette.
Lately people have taken advantage and screamed foul when there was none, then demand an apology or stim packs. Lately players have stated they were attacked while online when they had no actions in over 15 minutes. When looking at the logs, these players had logged in less than a minute after they were attacked, but were offline for 30 to 60 minutes prior to that.
Bottom line is don't complain to game staff that you were online when you were attacked, as this is a player-only issue. There are items in the game specifically made to counter being in the hospital. If you can't stand being in the hospital when you log in, then best invest in these items.
And when it boils down to it, I can look in the logs and see if you really were online or not. More often than not, the person complaining they were online did nothing for almost an hour. Don't say you were if you weren't, because if you are caught you probably deserve what's coming to you from the community.
zenith Wrote:And when it boils down to it, I can look in the logs and see if you really were online or not. More often than not, the person complaining they were online did nothing for almost an hour.
Ohh!! :o
Quote:Don't say you were if you weren't, because if you are caught you probably deserve what's coming to you from the community.

While I totally favor our player etiquette agreement of online attacking, I think many people take it for granted.
Long and short of it, don't expect not to be hit the very second you go offline. Period.
Expect anything more, and you will undoubtedly end up making yourself some more enemies to deal with. Remember, no one HAS to respect the online attacking agreement. We are all lucky to have that courtesy.
oh how history repeats it's self. I think I'm seeing a little of dejavu! I know I've seen this thread before. :shock:
30 min is what I go by....If there is a complaint, I usually send a stim. I may have more input later, but I am drunk.
Lets leave the etquette aside for a moment!
You attack online/away to send a message. You are either at war, you really really hate that person, or you just want to eliminate that person from the game.
If you tell me you attack online/away just to gain experience thru these attacks, I think you kid yourself about who makes enemies and who doesn't.
I think in the real world if you would barge in everyday waiting for the metro or the bus, not respecting the order or not being polite and curtious, you end up under the metros tires. Really quick...
@Zen...whoever asks for you to disclose logs over that person's being online or not, that is absolutely disgusting, and you should not cave in. Rather then do that, send your apology and send 2-3 small stims so that person can get out of hospital quicker.
I stand by my point of view that 25mins and more is the rule...unwritten one but a rule. You may think otherwise, its just the rule I apply, you don't expect others to apply to it. Thats because not everybody has the same level of respect for everybody else in this game.
all i know is i was involved in one of those incidents, zenny, but i only wanted to know what the logs were so i could take care of the issue because two sides were potentially lying about it :/ thx
If you are that worried about someone attacking you, log yourself. What I mean is every time you log in, look at the "last action" time, then go to the events log and see what time you were attacked, that would give you the amount of time you were "idle" before getting attacked
well I guess what Im going to start doin is copying and pasting the away status of everyone I attack so that they can see i waited for 20 minutes, and then sending it to them in a mail.
westendtm Wrote:@Zen...whoever asks for you to disclose logs over that person's being online or not, that is absolutely disgusting, and you should not cave in. Rather then do that, send your apology and send 2-3 small stims so that person can get out of hospital quicker.
For example, a couple of days ago a few of players were positive the person they attacked was listed as offline. The person who was attacked said otherwise. I was curious. So I checked the logs and sure enough, those players crying about being hit while online were idle for almost an hour before the attack occurred. In fact, that day I checked EVERYONE who stated they were online were idle for long periods when the attack occurred. In each case the person became active shortly after they were sent to the hospital. I honestly didn't believe it could happen that many times in the same day, and sure enough it was the attackee's taking advantage of the community etiquette.