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i thought this was done away with....

General Info
Name: Matt [2192]
User Class: Cyborg Member
User Level: 35
Gender: Male
Signed Up: July 30, 2006 8:27:51 pm
Last Active: December 2, 2010 8:43:41 pm
Last Action: 241 days 15 hours 41 minutes 11 seconds ago
Online: Inactive
Days Old: 1827
Location: Retirement District
(2011.Aug.01 12:25 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]i thought this was done away with....

General Info
Name: Matt [2192]
User Class: Cyborg Member
User Level: 35
Gender: Male
Signed Up: July 30, 2006 8:27:51 pm
Last Active: December 2, 2010 8:43:41 pm
Last Action: 241 days 15 hours 41 minutes 11 seconds ago
Online: Inactive
Days Old: 1827
Location: Retirement District

No one new can enter into it. Those already there can stay there, but cannot reenter if they leave (see: Loki)
thats lame. sounds like "boo hoo i dont wanna play any more, but i still dont want people to beat my inactive character up"
At one point zen said she would move people out who have been gone for a yr or 2...

She suggested it but do not know if she decided not to do it...

If she went with that I would think it would be about closed by this point.
I think she should just move them to DD anyway. Or put them in level districts so that some of the higher level areas have more inactives.
(2011.Aug.02 11:38 AM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]I think she should just move them to DD anyway. Or put them in level districts so that some of the higher level areas have more inactives.

Why???....all players from Retirement District are low stats, even pornking can win against them.
maybe she is keeping her word to those that she let in before she decided to not allow any others in.
Last Action: 241 days 15 hours 41 minutes 11 seconds ago

not that long ago....
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