Remember that 'AL Police, working to help lower levels from getting hit up and quitting' deal?
Well, I thought about another game I play and how new players are protected..They had their own little district when they started, higher levels couldn't get to it..And the lower levels were able to do things as they please with other lower levels. But when they hit a certain level (5, I think), they were booted from this district and put into the main district..And that district they were kicked from wasn't available anymore.
Wondering what people think about this.
Not a bad idea... the problem i forsee, however, is trolls who get to level 4, or 5, then hit brand-n00bs repeatedly.
If you could add a time limit (max X days in n00b district), and/or take away the hospitalization option in this district, it might work.
Also would need to consider making gangs unavailable until after graduation from the n00b dist.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Brand-N00bs?
the n00biest n00bs.
Here's the plan.
1) Make a district that's only for starters..No one above level 5 can get in, but they can't leave that distrcit until they're level 5.
2) They won't be joining gangs, anyway..No one really wants level 1-4 people in their gang.
3) Do away with that stupid ass knife.

Put a shop in that district for that knife. XD
That way, they're safe, other than from one another, can develope into the game, since at level 3-5(I dunno) more crimes appear, and they can grow to enjoy the game before experiencing it with other, more developed players.
Yes. I understand your plan. I was adding suggestions. You did open up a thread on a public forum.
Yeah. I know. XD I was just sayin'.
I think this is a great idea i know that i had some troubles with that when i first started not to long ago. But it think you should put the exact same shops that are in dowtown in the noob distrect. But have like a time limit of 15 days because by then i think you would be ready to face the rest of the players in the game even if you level up slowly. But you should take the casino out of there that way they don't waste their money on it right away.
Heh. 15 days is PLENTY of time. I was from 1 to 9 in a day flat..Bust out king. XD!