first of all, IMO this isnt a cyberwarrior game

enhancing stats are nice and the penalty for that is having to get up HP with snacks after fighting so that you can fight more often is well fit.
but I would like the ability to sell implants at 70% of the original price and only 70% of the humanity given back.
buying 5-6 implants and then re-selling them would mean a pretty heavy slap on the wrists, without being stuck and broke with the implants forever, if you regret.
All cyberware implants have a maximum rating, and cannot be traded or sold. Humanity lost can never be recovered, and currently the chop shop does not perform removals or upgrades to a other cyberware tech. So select your cyberware with care, as it cannot be removed..
read all t&cs before purchase

this has affected your statutory rights
Druchii Wrote:first of all, IMO this isnt a cyberwarrior game
Not yet. ;P However the rumormill about some of the weapons/items available in later districts conflicts with your statement. =]
Druchii Wrote:the Essence Focuser is also there, which is a plasma sub-machine gun. need 15 end, 20 strength 28accuracy
Dark matter Lifejacket, 30 res, 15 end, 30 dex
Dual Flameblades, 30 strength, 15 endurance, 25dexterity
as would this stuff... maybe not cyberwarrior, but definitely fits in with sci-fi/cyberpunk style universe. IMO.
k, thanks.
This is all a matter of opinion, go watch the early episodes of Ghosts in the shell and you will see that there are bonuses, but there are also great disadvantages to having cyber. NO LONGER BEING HUMAN is a great disadvantage, and you can not get that back no matter what you do, surgery or not.
syntheticdarkness Wrote:This is all a matter of opinion, go watch the early episodes of Ghosts in the shell and you will see that there are bonuses, but there are also great disadvantages to having cyber. NO LONGER BEING HUMAN is a great disadvantage, and you can not get that back no matter what you do, surgery or not.
Yes but it also comes with a battery you have to recharge every now and then, no?
My hard disk and RAM needs an upgrade but there's no more room for them, for now...
If you are a machine, how can you technically train????? I think in the case of full borg you should have to purchase your upgrades. I.E. If you hydroed your car and can make it jump 1 foot off the ground, will it eventually jump two or three feet with no upgrades? I do not believe it can (Someone please correct me if I am wrong). You need either more hydraulic presssure or better gear if you want it to get better. Constantly hopping your car will put wear and tear on it. Right???
This is true, however I was attempting to find a suitable version for cyborgs without having to completely write an entire new training system. That would, obviously take much, much longer to implement.
Druchii Wrote:the Essence Focuser is also there, which is a plasma sub-machine gun. need 15 end, 20 strength 28accuracy
Dark matter Lifejacket, 30 res, 15 end, 30 dex
Dual Flameblades, 30 strength, 15 endurance, 25dexterity
I believe this is sarcasm on Druchii's part. There might be some interesting new items, but they will be realistic. So no dark matter or weird items like that.
zenith Wrote:I believe this is sarcasm on Druchii's part. There might be some interesting new items, but they will be realistic. So no dark matter or weird items like that.
A smart enough borg would be able to create such things as dark matter and destructive laser beams!!!
Did I mention I was the smartest borg member out there? :oops:
hydro9226 Wrote:A smart enough borg would be able to create such things as dark matter and destructive laser beams!!!
For the record, we haven't even gotten past a shotgun as the best gun. I doubt making the jump to a plasma cannon is the logical next step