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With the re-introduction of PVP wars I would like to see a discussion over stims and nimbus.

The nimbus are a fantastic tool, however at a 2000$ price not many can use them, and at 2000$ almost no one can use them when needed. Nimbus give 500hp, and as we continue to level we will need more of them to reach full hp. If you have 2000hp, you will need 2 of them to reach full hp after visiting hospital, during wars you may need up to 4 before you leave hospital if someone is tick hunting you, to have any chance of survival. And sometimes we leave hospital with under 50% hp, meaning that we can get attacked, but we can't attack first. My hope is that either nimbus get a 50-60% cut in price or made more effective.

Stims I feel are more okay with price and effectiveness, but a cut in price or increase in effectiveness would be more then welcome. Preferrably a cut in price since if you increase effectiveness there would be a tendency to "overheal", meaning you heal more then needed, ergo spend more cash to get out of hospital then needed.

We can war now for gang points, but clearly, no gang will just give away gang points. Making PVP gang wars longer and more aggravated, and the bigger the gangs the larger the stim pack and nimbus bills. And in the end the gang point gain you receive or lose will not match the cash you have spent on stim packs and nimbus bars.

Be aware that this is pure speculation from my side. But from experience, the cash you spend on a 1 day war might run as high as 200 000$, and I don't know the usual gang point gain from a 1 day war, but I don't think that it will be the highest in the world if the other gang fights hard back.

So what are peoples thoughts on this?


I agree with everything you just said.But dont hold your breath for a price reduction or you will need more than nibus bars to heal you :shock:
lol no harm in doing wishful thinking


Well these forums are the thinking part but nothing is ever done and the wishful part well we can all wish but santa only visits once a year!
Economy is under control, would this be that horrible? Maybe it would even suck more money out?
Actually I think if Nimbus would be made cheaper people would use it a lot more. I know I would, paying 2000$ to fill up my hp bar to do another attack is hard, and later on when I'll need to use 2 it's gonna be even harder.

Don't know if stims need a tweak, but what's the general opinion on them?


Anything remotely to do with lowering the price of anything is going to be ignored.I dont know why we bother to try and get the cost down as its a complete waste of time.Its like asking the taxman for an advance T.T.
i agree. and our gang doesnt plan on warring much at alll... for the reason described. its simply not worth spending all that money for a handfull of gang points.

i cant justify spending $40k+ in a war, when we may win 1-10 gang points. mind costs 1500-3000 gang points to upgrade my gang at this point.
do the math.... how long would it take... and how much money... to upgrade our gang at that rate and expense. it would be almost lunacy for me to attempt this. i declare here and there, just to spice the game up. war should be encouraged..not discouraged. but, a cost/benefit analysis does not support war.

further.... i dont even WANT to upgrade my gang at this point, bc that would just prolong the war when being attacked by a much stronger gang. id rather the hideout be defeated quickly, so we lose less points. the system is a little messed up right now, IMHO.

if we could win 30-50 points for a normal "average" war, if it wasnt so expensive to battle, and had other options for gang point usage..then it would make more sense to go to war.


A well planned and executed attack will reduce cost, but not very significantly. It will also yield a much more significant return on GP's. However, the inherent cost of any PvP war will be there.

I do not think it should be cheap to war, these PvP wars should have consequences as well as benefits. A costly, well planned war yields 80+ GP's, whereas a boring pillow fight affair hooks you with 35-45. If you wanna rock out and bury 'X' gang then be prepared for a fight and make sure you have a plan.

While I agree that there should be a slight adjustment in price, war should remain as a cost.


I was trying to think of ways in which costs could be cut during gang wars and I have a few possible ideas. Now, I understand it wouldn't make sense to lower the prices of everything, but the thought I had was maybe during gang wars only there could be the option of a discount store where you could buy things for cheaper prices. This issue with this, people could then just stock up on cheap stims and nimbus bars during wars which would cut the market for them outside of wars. The solution, maybe you can only purchase a certain amount per day or something. Another thought I had was have cash payout for wars (meaning if your gang wins a war, a certain amount of money goes to the gang vault). This money could then be used to supplement the gang war costs for the members in said gang. You could then also maybe have a gang storage unit or something to that affect and be able to stock it with stims, nimbus, and cash. These are just some ideas and I'm not even sure how doable they are.
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