anytime bud.
i nominate cober for best hosp war dodger.

Yay me I got a nomination I want a tag zen (no joke) Yay me I got a nomination I want a tag zen (no joke)
(2011.Jul.04 07:31 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Yay me I got a nomination I want a tag zen (no joke) Yay me I got a nomination I want a tag zen (no joke)
ugh. i think i found the new worst typing thing on the interwebs.
Don't forget jolacunt, bdnumbnuts and bentweiner for shitiest mods ever.
And Zen for shitiest administrator evA.
(2011.Jul.04 10:24 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget jolacunt, bdnumbnuts and bentweiner for shitiest mods ever.
And Zen for shitiest administrator evA.
jola does a good job. you are being a dumbass.
You don't even know the half kiddo.
You would think the Most Liked Player, you would have: -
Most Added Active Friends : Beaver, TheDrunk, Reknak, WhatInTheHowl, pUn
Added as standard... must be liked or were liked :-p
(2011.Jul.04 06:24 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]anytime bud. 
i nominate cober for best hosp war dodger. 
A year ago I would have said bender, since he would always borg up during a hosp war. But that is not the case now.