in honor of poptart's al friendship days, i'll be holding the second al scavenger hunt today. anyone that would like to play is more than welcome. there will be close to $1 million in money, credits and items handed out. i will start it around 7: pm this evening and run it for about an hour, longer if there is a good response of different people participating.
sounds interesting. go go go

Your last one was so much fun. There's no way I'll miss this one! Thanks Spacebird for doing this again. Can't wait!
ok...i'll start the first event in the next 15 mins or so. the prizes for being the first to complete the current objective will be 50k. there is no limit as to how many you can win. for those that didn't do this the last time, i will post something to do ranging from purchasing an item off the market to hospitalizing someone. i may give a clue, i may give a specific thing to do or person, who i honestly don't, this is done by the seat of my pants. either way, there is only one objective unless otherwise specified. if you hosp the wrong person, or purchase the wrong item, it is what it is. there is only one right answer and that's the one i am thinking, lol please keep in mind, though not all objectives will be attainable for everyone, i will try to make them as fair as possible so that all playing can win. also, only inactive members will be targets. please don't hosp an active player because of this contest as i will not pick any active member as a target. i will try to be as quick as possible in posting the results as they happen but i am only so capable so i apologize in advance if i am not dead on with the next objective and stating that a certain objective has been completed by someone. also, please refrain from posting in this thread til the event is over, ignoring this request may be hazardous to your text-based health.
good luck to everyone! again, i'll post the first objective in the next 15 mins
7:11 pm
New! JohnTheBishop bought your Small Stim-pack item from the market for $700. Delete
7:10 pm
New! JohnTheBishop bought your Small Stim-pack item from the market for $250.
7:36 pm
New! JohnTheBishop bought your Medium Stim-pack item from the market for $1. Delete
7:35 pm JohnTheBishop bought your Red Rose item from the market for $250.
3525 vorenus 16 63 Hospitalized by JohnTheBishop.
12328 rooster 9 11 Got mugged by JohnTheBishop.
8:06 pm
New! Pioneer bought your Small Stim-pack item from the market for $1. Delete
8:05 pm
New! Pioneer bought your Titanium Sohei Ono Axe item from the market for $1.
3497 DesolationRow 7 206 Hospitalized by Cisserro.
that's it folks. sorry, wasn't quite as competitive as last time. i'll be putting small allotments of credits on the market for $1 for the remainder of the evening. those that won, i'll send your $ over soon.
3426 The499er MudPies 28 192 Hospitalized by Joshiwa
(2011.Jun.16 06:53 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]3426 The499er MudPies 28 192 Hospitalized by Joshiwa
the clue was
name theiving player that's favorite phrase was 499ers for lyphe... bishop got it.
finally got one.
I think?
Thanks mate great contest again, bloody cisserro