Congrats to the Cartoon Villains gang for winning our first inter gang competition.
Contest was for highest crime percentage in a 24 hour period by all gang members. 2 gangs tied on 89% Cartoon Villains won on no of crimes commited.
Hip hip hip!!!
Oh well...
Im sorry but thats the most hilarious situation of the forum anti-profanity setting ive seen yet. Should have thought that one through before i named the award lol

I wonder who gave you that idea, hmmmm, nope, I can't seem to remember *cough*Pun*cough*.....*cough*over MSN*cough* lol.....
I really should see someone for these coughs..... ::smurks a slimey one::
btw, we are honoured 2 win this award...
I'm gonna use this as an opportunity for free publicity - Villains is now known as Cartoon Villains - and Doom is now Skeletor - logically. Hi mom!
she says hi
I kid I kid :wink:
mudpies Wrote:she says hi
I kid I kid :wink:
wiseguy but funny, and the award was decided way before your cartoon idea

will done to the newly named villains