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Full Version: Hospitilizations
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Why do you think people hospitalize others?
cause thats what they do
In the end, you build your character with stats, lvl, weapons, skills so you can use those things you worked hard for. Why play if you aren't going to pummel someone eventually?
Simple answer: cause you can!
Yes...we can
[Image: obama-yes-we-can_04-nov-08.jpg]
(2011.Jun.03 07:32 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Simple answer: cause you can!


the hosp is an important part of the game. being hosp'd has potential to give u the driving force to try and be better then ur opponent. its wat kept me playin for like 4 years.

eventually i became friends with most of my enemies, the ones who are reasonable ppl and not like retard strength toddlers
it takes a strong player to hosp; it takes a stronger player not to.

not everything is about stats.
(2011.Jun.03 03:27 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]it takes a strong player to hosp; it takes a stronger player not to.

not everything is about stats.

how profound

now stfu Confusius
perfect example ^
(2011.Jun.03 03:36 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Jun.03 03:27 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]it takes a strong player to hosp; it takes a stronger player not to.

not everything is about stats.

how profound

now stfu Confusius

"Confusius" ?

things are starting to make more sense now.
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