It would be cool to have a fight arena where people around the same level fight for money.
Also other people could make bets on who will win
What do ye think?
I like this.
Maybe, you apply - and your name is shown on the applicants list (a detail could be -you call out some people/ maybe a button that notifies everyone on your lvl that wanted to be notified, that there is a contender at the arena, or just call out a specific player who then gets a notification of the existing challenger)
Also, lvls - + 1 lvl should be allowed to duke it out. A challenge needs not be accepted.
This Arena could be placed right under"your job" for easy access.
Now, bet placers could place bets- during a 5min/round preparation time/. During round preparation all bets are placed, fight ends, winners split profit. The winner of the fight wins a fixed amount, or maybe he could sp[ecify the amount he wants to challenge someone for?!!
I'll post more when I think of sth.