I was thinking that there could be some way other than tryign to gain a bunch of money for crimes to get credits for a donator pack, it's way too tough and non-donators barely have a chance of getting a donator pack and even getting a 1-3 day donator pack would be cool.
What I'm thinking is there should be some kind of credit to where we have playing for so long and we should be getting or more earning a donator pack of however amount (even if it's small)
I'm thinking of earning something for a one time deal once we've passed like if we've reached 1000 crimes of doing we should recieve a day of donator status.
If we've busted out people so many times than a day(or how many days) of donator status of our choice or something like that.
Something so we can earn so it won't feel like we're playin for nothing.
Street cred can also show how long you've participated, sahould get awarded for different things.
Street cred would be something different than respect even though it sounds likek what respect should really be named.
If you have any idea of what street cred really should be... name it.
Whats wrong with doing crimes and buying credits off the market?
I like the idea of getting, special donator days like, 1000 busts, or 5000crimes etc. but i think it could only go on for a short time. I think zen is already very generous with credits already, with a credit market (whoa, unique!! =D) and various celebration days, like today, for increased gym gains. I think it would be ok for very small gains, not alot. Wouldn't want zen going bankrupt now

I want something for nothing. :roll:
O I like the idea. Maybe after reaching lvl10 - you get a 5 day donator pack - to cop a feel of how it's like, just so you know (or if you're from Macedonia and can't pay for credits by credit card coz your country is not on the countries list :x ). Or creds for achievements as rewards. Anything.
Ih8lucky13 Wrote:I want something for nothing. :roll:
You can have my left shoe. I don't need it anymore. I stepped in some poo.

hitolo Wrote:Ih8lucky13 Wrote:I want something for nothing. :roll:
You can have my left shoe. I don't need it anymore. I stepped in some poo. 
Can I have the poo as well.

andyscho Wrote:Whats wrong with doing crimes and buying credits off the market?
It takes me like amonth just to save up for enough money for getting 100 credits and that's only 1/5th the amount for a 30 day donator status, but after saving all that cash I'd rather get some new type of weapon or armor. Maybe there should even be like a 5 day donator status for those of us that want to experience the donator status. I'm only level 11 and it's that hard and the lower levels if they don't have donator status will take a really long time to get going.
Street cred would just be personal awards you get after reacing a certain amount in the game and it could be anything not just donator status, maybe extra endurance or intelligence. Just something after playing the game for so long and the gains for everyone or the little games that are set up, I think I've missed some of those oppurtunites and it seems it doesn't last long, but it's for everybody and I was just thinking of personal achievement
Skarpz Wrote:andyscho Wrote:Whats wrong with doing crimes and buying credits off the market?
It takes me like amonth just to save up for enough money for getting 100 credits and that's only 1/5th the amount for a 30 day donator status, but after saving all that cash I'd rather get some new type of weapon or armor. Maybe there should even be like a 5 day donator status for those of us that want to experience the donator status. I'm only level 11 and it's that hard and the lower levels if they don't have donator status will take a really long time to get going.
Street cred would just be personal awards you get after reacing a certain amount in the game and it could be anything not just donator status, maybe extra endurance or intelligence. Just something after playing the game for so long and the gains for everyone or the little games that are set up, I think I've missed some of those oppurtunites and it seems it doesn't last long, but it's for everybody and I was just thinking of personal achievement
Just pony up some cash if you can't afford 5 dollars a month, you really shouldn't be complaining.
Ih8lucky13 Wrote:Just pony up some cash if you can't afford 5 dollars a month, you really shouldn't be complaining.
some people truely can't afford to "pony up" and drop some cash on the game. Some people are from countries that don't paypal. Some people know this is a free game and shouldn't be forced to spend money on it. I don't have any solution but I think it's kinda lame that anyone should expect people to pay into this FREE game.