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Please answer some of the questions that have been asked in the forums regarding the game and its future. Dont have one your cronies do it. I know everyone wants to know some things.

Mods, delete all posts except mine and Zens..... if she ever responds.
Game is fine. I hired a new coder who has been in training the last few weeks. And since the easter contest, I've been dealing with a wannabe hacker trying to get free credits through paypal. Not sure why he'd use his real paypal account if he was trying to hide behind his fake email though. Smirk

At the moment, we are finishing testing of our new coder's first coding fix to combat as well as some other simple things he did to learn the ropes. I've finished dealing with Mr Wannabe, so now I can get onto the contest results.

As for fears of "ending the game"... not even going to happen. I'm pretty excited at actually having a paid employee who will contribute.
well met.
Wooo!! Might Start donating again Smile. Welcome and good luck to the coder!
Love hearing from ya Zen. Excited for what will come too. I'm sure you have a lot of ideas about what to do but just gonna throw out some hot items community has asked for.

Ladder system
School classes that were going to branch off the existing ones
EXP daily tracking
More usuable items (from crimes)
Character quests (with rewards)
Profile award buttons/tags for milestones we have hit in AL

Thanks for hearing us out.
good call zen welcome new coder somethink new to game more like WinkWink
Thanks for responding. Now get to work! Cool
Year totals for the Crime Log (similar to the Bioplex Assistant). Scrolling thru 3 years worth of months on a phone sucks. Either that, or reverse order it with most recent month at the top.

Nice. Where's DosEggis?
(2011.May.09 02:01 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]Love hearing from ya Zen. Excited for what will come too. I'm sure you have a lot of ideas about what to do but just gonna throw out some hot items community has asked for.

Ladder system
School classes that were going to branch off the existing ones
EXP daily tracking
More usuable items (from crimes)
Character quests (with rewards)
Profile award buttons/tags for milestones we have hit in AL

Thanks for hearing us out.

Ya forgot the attachments to weapons
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