(2011.Apr.10 05:36 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Apr.10 05:33 PM)cocaine13 Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Apr.10 05:05 PM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]Who is zapping Brugada's post for no reason..??
Typical abuse of power by munk. Bcunt gets banned for similar. unk should be taken off as a mod for such.
Hurry, read this before he zaps it.
I think you should be a mod.
why would weebay come back to AL at it's current state?
Monk...what about Rambo???he'll be back ???

(2011.Apr.11 09:56 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Monk...what about Rambo???he'll be back ???
Yea. He was the one who gave weebey the orders to regroup.
Federal Jail Inmate #1124
You owe someone a lot of money in-game. I feel like you scammed them. Email fedjail@awakenedlands.com please.
If this guy exit from fed jail...then Jaysin and Radioactive must be free....
(2011.Apr.10 10:15 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]why would weebay come back to AL at it's current state?
it will be a loki like return