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Full Version: I'm allways in jail!!!!!!!
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damn it
i have 19 ap, and i try that airport thing (dont know name but takes 6 ap to do)
i have three times to try to do that crime, and every time: one succes one failure and then jail, or jail in first try...

am i unlucky ? or what? is that to high crime for 8 level?


lol...i remember my pickpocketing i know this is not how the game mechanics fxn...but i will swear to the following....picking pockets for me allways seemed to work at 100% success when i was three levels higher than the action point cast of the crime. drifters at level 6, tourists at 7, monoral passengers at 8, and airports at level 9. try sooner than the aforementioned levels, and at least a jail stint or two every day. now i know more vars go into deciding if the crimes work, but as i said i will swear by the previous statement. noticing a similar pattern with the steal a car crimes, but not sure exactly what it is yet.


this is stupid...
first i tryed group mugging, and finish in jail, i tryed to bust out from jail and suceeded, then again i tryed that airport thing, and now im again in jail..

what is going on with this game ?!


i am usually in jail for stealing clunkers. I just cant resist getting caught. Recently i got to know bubba and found out he is an exellent chef. He always makes my favourite pate de Foie gras et Endives.


i really find it annoying when im in jail and dont have enough action points to bust out, when that happens i go to this game called "beat up your pc", it really lets out some frustration.
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