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Full Version: POI - Proficiency
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Pages: 1 2
(2011.Apr.05 10:15 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Best Hit Defender would be awesome. Someone got smoked with a 1200+ hit from me a while ago.

Are you being Facetious? I hit 1200s pretty often and they're on decent players
Doubting that...But defending best hit, bud. I can rack up 1,000+ point hits all day on people attacking pretty much anyone.
(2011.Apr.06 01:24 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Doubting that...But defending best hit, bud. I can rack up 1,000+ point hits all day on people attacking pretty much anyone.

Ah ok, I didn't notice the defending part of your statement. So yeah I agree with you then
Pages: 1 2
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