7:21 pm
New! UFO mugged you and stole $10,000.
I didnt have 10k i had $19 in my pocket how did he steal 10k
you're a fuckwit. it was $1...multi....
(2011.Feb.23 07:29 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]you're a fuckwit. it was $1...multi....
how do you do a screen shot i'll send it to you
(2011.Feb.23 07:53 PM)6509742 Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.23 07:29 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]you're a fuckwit. it was $1...multi....
how do you do a screen shot i'll send it to you
Press Alt + F4...always work

I have a comment
Nice mug UFO
unplug said comp and send it back you are to stupid to use one and could possibly start a nuc war by accident