2008.Mar.04, 05:20 PM
2008.Mar.08, 09:20 AM
To be quite honest, I am not entirely sure. It could be one of those situations, where work experience is currently serving some kind of timid effect, but it is not widely known, throughout the AL population, or not known at all, for that matter (with the exception of administrators, of course). Although, always try keep in mind, that the more work experience a user possesses, the more availability higher career ratings become; thus in turn, making more career abilities available. You never know, really. One day, work experience could start to become more documented, and then more of a highly desired statistic, so stocking up on it could not hurt, at all.
2008.Mar.20, 12:41 AM
career points determine what career level ya get, i believe work experience is how many points you get for working full hours, im not 100% though, also what does reputation do haha
2008.Mar.20, 01:53 AM
ur work exp determines what career level you can reach.
reputation unlocks better gym trainers.
reputation unlocks better gym trainers.
2008.Mar.20, 02:54 AM
Work exp gives u better carree points..... so if u have 1 work exp u will get between 1 - 4 in 1 hour worked but if its higher u get more.... so ifits 10 u will get 7 - 10 points in 1 hour worked.... so if u want to get promotions faster or get bigger gym trains you will have to go to construction and work that job and spend ur points on wrk exp..... there u go now u knw wat it dos

2008.Mar.20, 08:50 PM
Work Experience is what determines what level you can reach. I.E. a Work Experience of LVL 4 will allow you to reach LVL 4 in careers. The higher in level you are in the careers you chose will allow you to get more Career Points. If you want higher career points then level in the career instead of spending them all the time. To get higher in levels make sure the Work Exp is of sufficient level to reach what your desired milestone is.
2008.Mar.20, 08:52 PM
Work experience gets you a job as a gang field reporter.
2008.Mar.20, 09:00 PM
I do have a decent Work Experience, don't I?