if would be cool if they were salable. would open up a market for people to make some real cash off their careers and would give an option to others that want to advance a career faster; or stock pile points for bonuses.
While it wouldn't make sense from an RP perspective, I think that this would be a fantastic idea.
Yeah I've though about this before, but pricing would be to hard.
100 cp's = 400 str
(for me

400 str = 400 creds = 120k
so unless the cp's are around 1k each, cred refreshes will never be used aside from contests and wars. So basically zen won't want anything that slows donations.
What you just said made no sense at all.
(2011.Feb.13 04:54 PM)shadow55 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I've though about this before, but pricing would be to hard.
100 cp's = 400 str
(for me
400 str = 400 creds = 120k
so unless the cp's are around 1k each, cred refreshes will never be used aside from contests and wars. So basically zen won't want anything that slows donations.
You been drinking..??
(2011.Feb.13 05:34 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]What you just said made no sense at all.
That was what I said when my mind got blown.
Where the hell do credits come into the picture AT ALL?
They are used as refreshes for gym trains by energy/happiness refills but if all you had to do was buy cp you eliminate having to donate money to get credits for these trains you can spend AL cash on career points instead thus why he sayin that
(2011.Feb.13 06:40 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: [ -> ]They are used as refreshes for gym trains by energy/happiness refills but if all you had to do was buy cp you eliminate having to donate money to get credits for these trains you can spend AL cash on career points instead thus why he sayin that
I had just woken up lol, and thanks for clearing it up mate
looks like me and Marine are the only ones with a IQ higher then a goldfish.
More like the blind leading the blind. Refreshes would still be a big factor, thanks to the simple fact refreshes can happen all the time, while CP are daily commodities.
(2011.Feb.13 07:26 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]More like the blind leading the blind. Refreshes would still be a big factor, thanks to the simple fact refreshes can happen all the time, while CP are daily commodities.
but just imagine people with level 20 in careers getting like 300 cp or so a day (just a guess) and everybody with that same career selling it would really hurt the real cash flow of the game she'd still get some money but she would lose a lot still.
Edit: Don't get me wrong I'd love to see this idea implemented would make it a shit ton easier for me to get money