(2011.Feb.13 03:30 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]are they going towards your character? just interested to see if all this cash you have and spend on the game is going to get you anywhere dude.
yep. when mock whoops you non stop you need to start doing something big, nikki.
(2011.Feb.13 03:30 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]are they going towards your character? just interested to see if all this cash you have and spend on the game is going to get you anywhere dude.
probably all going into intelligence. he thinks it will make him smarter in RL
Mock hasn't ever beat me.... but alright
Mock8800 5 5 0 0 10 1,484 16 620
Update, need 5600 more, max is now 315 each.
been buying them off the market for 320 each and less. Fast easy cash, post em up boys. Need another 4000
Thanks for those cheap creds Druuchi! I knew he was kidding, he is selling them guys, you just have to mail him a midget tranny beastiality porn, and he will dump em for 300 each!!! Mail him those links, and thanks again Druuchi!
Please close thread.