Awesome Zen!! Just LUV it :!:
MMMHHHMMMM I like it too 8)
Whats it for???

I wanted people get familiar with item storage to lighten their inventory before moving on with the encumbrance code.
Carrying too much will cause your effectiveness in combat to decrease. However, I wanted to work out the issues with storage before burdening everyone with encumbrance (pun intended).
So please note, effectiveness in combat is not affected by how much you carry YET.
Question please!
If you are in the hospital will you be able to use the items you have in storage?
Question: What access do you have to the unit if you are in the hospital or in jail, etc?
Great job on this and I love the way you are adding new things.
Thank God for downgrading!
what does the 1k upgrade get you? I was able to store lots of stuff without any problems.
mudpies Wrote:what does the 1k upgrade get you? I was able to store lots of stuff without any problems.
Fastgunns33 Wrote:Question: What access do you have to the unit if you are in the hospital or in jail, etc?
just tested this out by getting myself in the hospital. you cannot access storage from your hospital bed. so keep a few stims on you and the rest in storage :shock:
Fastgunns33 Wrote:Question: What access do you have to the unit if you are in the hospital or in jail, etc?
Nor can you access this in jail