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Full Version: denied my first 1k hit
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Don't complain, you made #87 on the POI for Ranged, due to that hit. Granted you have a lot more to go, but you'll get there. Good Luck.
65 =36th= MethodMonk 1,131

Where is your offtopic thread when you hit 1000+ ???

I've been getting 1k hits Cat Woman. Thanks for asking.
pew pew
(2011.Jan.26 10:18 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]I've been getting 1k hits Cat Woman. Thanks for asking.

[Image: notfunny.jpg]
so who would win, monk or catwoman?
who would win GQ or Cat Women?
(2011.Jan.26 10:33 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]who would win GQ or Cat Women?

cat woman easy. i am a taco. Wink
LOL. Mean i can't hire GQ to hosp Batman? I'm almost 100% I got that big hit on Cat Woman.
(2011.Jan.26 10:37 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]LOL. Mean i can't hire GQ to hosp Batman? I'm almost 100% I got that big hit on Cat Woman.

pay me 10k and i will get it done. Bandit
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