Won't let me play AL with the new phone.
Any suggestions?
Won't even let me log-in. It highlights the button but won't "select" it so to speak.

Sometimes my galaxy phone will do this. Usually I just have to zoom in on the page and retry. Otherwise, try using a different browser like opera mini.
Dolphin HD Browser is supposed to be tops on Android.
(2011.Jan.18 12:03 AM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Dolphin HD Browser is supposed to be tops on Android.
+1 I switched to dolphin hd 2 weeks ago on my droid x and wont be using nothing else.
(2011.Jan.17 08:06 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]Won't let me play AL with the new phone.
Any suggestions?
Won't even let me log-in. It highlights the button but won't "select" it so to speak.

It does the same thing to me sometimes pull the battery and reboot your phone if you have already tried that and it didn't work. Then download dolphin
It's working now, everyone. Thanks!
(2011.Jan.18 05:57 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]It's working now, everyone. Thanks!
What did you do to fix it>?